Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Healing Properties of Dendrite Agate

Know about some useful healing properties of Dendrite Agate!

Dendrite Agate is also referred to as the Stone of Plenitude that brings the fullness and abundance to each and every area of your life that may be related to any business or agricultural activities. 

Physical Healing Power of Dendrite Agate
It is important for the wearers to know about the gemstone and the healing properties of dendrite agate, which they want to wear. So, here some physical healing properties are mentioned, you may have a look:
  • Heals Body Parts: This gemstone heals the body parts that branch like aligns the vertebra that is a skeletal disorder, treats neuralgia and also the conditions of the nervous system. It simulates capillaries and veins of the circulatory system.
  • Good for Heart: Dendrite Agate is helpful to the blood vessels and heart. If you will wear this gemstone as a pendent at the center of the breastbone then it will make the cardiac muscles stronger. It heals the emotional disharmony that doesn’t allow the person to accept the unconditional love.
  • Alleviates Pain: This stone relieves the back pain that may be caused due to the inner tension, anxiety, stress or depression.
  • Simulates Digestive System: This gemstone supports the proper functioning of digestive system and provides a soothing relief from gastritis. You may also have an elixir made with this stone. It is also beneficial for the hollow organs like stomach, intestines, uterus etc. It heals the skin disorders and prevents it from reactions like itching due to the insect bite.
  • Cures Fever: Dendrite Agate may be placed on the forehead of the person suffering from fever. It may also be helpful in reducing the symptoms of epilepsy. It guards the people against the sleepwalking.
  • Improves Concentration: This gemstone enhances the mental functioning of the wearer, improves perception, concentrations and mental abilities.
Emotional Healing Power of Dendrite Agate
Some of the emotional healing powers of this stone are mentioned below:
  • Overcome Emotional Strains: Dendrite Agate helps to overcome the emotional strain and the emotional boundary breaches. It assists in healing the pain of the sad childhood or the bad effects of the divorce. It beats the bitterness and the negativity of the heart just by healing the anger, nurturing the love and lending courage for the start up. It is the best stone for all the kinds of trauma.
Balancing and Chakra Healing Power of Dendrite Agate

Dendrite Agate alleviates the aura, transform and eliminate the negative energies.
The gray shade of Dendrite Agate simulates the Root Chakra or the Base Chakra. This chakra lies at the bottom of the spine and regulates the power of kinesthetic movement and feeling. It is also the foundation of spiritual and physical energy for the body.

The white shade of this stone makes out with the Crown Chakra that lies on the top of the head. It controls the way of our thinking and response to the outside world that surrounds us.

Green Dendrite Agate is associated with the Heart Chakra that lies close to the midpoint of the breastbone.

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